Caution Pipeline is a work in progress
A pipeline can be declared as a type of a component.
a - mycomponent
mycomponent - b
mycomponent: {
evolution: |..|..x|..|..|
type: pipeline
Considering P
the main pipeline element.
Each component belonging to the P
pipeline is attached via a semicolon :
example: P:a
means a
is a component of the P
as a
is a component, it can be configured like any other component. Its evolution is configured like any other component (with the |.|.|.|.|
A pipeline is declared on the value chain:
P:a - P2
: a
is linked to P2
P = P2:b
: P
is linked to b
P:a - P2:b
: a
is linked to b
Note when a pipeline is declared, the type
of the host is set to Pipeline
a rectangle is automatically drawn including the lower and upper components
anchor - P1
P1:a - P2
P1: |...|...x...|...|...|
P2: |...|...x...|...|...|
a: |..x.|......|...|...|
c: |...|......|...|x..|