label position

Tweak the label position.

On the map, labels are placed automatically in a pseudo-smart way. It is possible to change the position of a label by using the label keywork in a configuration block.

The allowed values are: N,S,E,W,NE,NW,SE,SW` (for north, south, east, west, north-east, north-west, south-east, south-west)


N - NE
NE - E
E - SE
SE - S
S - SW
SW - W
W - NW

N: {
    label: N

NE: {
    label: NE

E: {
    label: E

SE: {
    label: SE

S: {
    label: S

SW: {
    label: SW

W: {
    label: W

NW: {
    label: NW